Our dedicated support team and proactive updates take the stress out of website management. You can always reach someone who wants to help you and has the expertise to do so. Our professional IR analysts are available around the clock, whenever you need assistance.
To transition your IR site to S&P Global Market Intelligence's platform, you are partnered with a dedicated IR launch analyst who is your single point of contact throughout the entire site build process. Once you are up and running, you'll always be able to reach someone who not only understands your site, but understands your business.
Reactive IR support can lead to outdated sites and stale or missing content. Thanks to our proactive site reviews and updates at no extra charge, you'll spend less time fighting fires and more time on other priorities. We will contact you if we notice that something needs to be manually updated, fixed, or improved, and make changes at no extra charge.
To learn more about
S&P Global Market Intelligence's essential
solutions for investor relations, call
866.296.3743, or email us at irsales@snl.com.
Also visit SPGlobal.com/MarketIntelligence