As technology continues to advance, IR disclosure systems need to keep up with the pace. The trend toward instantaneously available information is great for communication, however, it also means that disclosure accidents like premature publications or leaks are all the more visible. That extra visibility has the potential to impact stock price and company reputation within a matter of minutes, presenting a hefty clean up challenge for the IRO. This guide will explore the IR web content challenges present today, and what kinds of measures to have in place for effective control over content disclosure.
Download PDF Investor Relations for IPOs - A Best Practices Guide"The general who wins the battle makes many calculations before the battle is fought," said the master strategist of the sixth century, Sun Tzu. For corporate leaders looking to go public in the 21st century, not much has changed - success depends on planning and a strong team. Best practices advise preparing for life as a public company well before your actual IPO with the right team as well as the right message to the investment community in place.
Download PDF 2014 Investor SurveyIn May 2014, we surveyed the investment community across a range of job titles and responsibilities, asking them about their online habits and how they pertain to the use of investor relations websites for research and workflow. We received more than 550 responses, offering invaluable insight into how investors actually use IR websites and related solutions, and what we can do to make them better.
Download PDF How to Make Sense of Reg FD and New Disclosure ChannelsMost public companies think in terms of 10-Ks, 10-Qs and 8-Ks when it comes to disclosure, but the SEC's recent endorsement of social media marks a key development in the annals of investor relations. Social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook are becoming increasingly accepted channels for material information, and it's more important than ever to understand best practices in a world of tweets, cashtags and wall posts.
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