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Mortgage Market Share Data
View detailed lender information with SNL’s Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data.
The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act requires depository and non-depository lenders to collect and publicly disclose information about mortgage loans and applications. This extensive dataset includes details on applicant/borrower characteristics, application amounts and funded loan amounts.
Use SNL’s HMDA data to better understand the largest players in specific markets. Our data and analytical tools allow you to:
- Instantly view mortgage market share data for any U.S. lender
- Easily compare data by state-, county- or MSA-level aggregates to national totals
- Access statistics on the loan type, purpose of the loan and the applicant race for available markets
- Quickly compare data for operating companies vs. parent companies
- Monitor historical market trends in any state, county, or MSA back to 2001
- View historical trends by market back to 2001